About Facet Healing
Facet Healing is a practical synthesis of the wisdom needed to help guide you to understand how to empower yourself using the Gene Keys tool and other modalities and skills to develop greater confidence, emotional resilience, and mental agility. This program helps you to transform limitations in thinking (Cataracts of the Soul) that unwittingly create self-sabotage in ways that affect health, stress levels, relationships, prosperity and your ability to perform at your best in all areas of life.

The Journey
About Gene Keys
Discover the Blueprint of your Life
The Gene Keys can help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and the greater potential for your Purpose, Partnerships and Prosperity. Like a precious treasure map, and combined with other transformational skills that will be shared, they can help you on a journey of self-discovery to find what is in the way of living your best life - from the inside out.

Create Your Gene Keys Profile
Your Gene Keys Profile is a means of unlocking the enormous potential of your life.
Your Profile is the original blueprint that tells you who you are, how you operate, and above all, why you are here.
You can access your Free Profile at the link below.